Big scale pictures
Decorating with large scale “wall pictures” instead of using smaller removable ones can make a strong statement. This is an artwork wall. It is an individual piece of art that completes the design of the interior.
big scale wall picture, entrance of the office building in Athens
big scale wall picture, entrance of the office building in Athens
big scale wall picture, entrance of the office building in Athens
Clay plaster on gypsum board, steel frame
Clay plaster on gypsum board, steel frame
Matej Bel University, Department of computer science, B.Bystrica, Slovakia
Matej Bel University, Department of computer science, B.Bystrica, Slovakia
Matej Bel University, Department of computer science, B.Bystrica, Slovakia
Matej Bel University, Department of computer science, B.Bystrica, Slovakia
Czech & Slovak visual and graphic artists in Greece exhibition, Athens, Greece, 2013
Czech & Slovak visual and graphic artists in Greece exhibition, Athens, Greece, 2013
Czech & Slovak visual and graphic artists in Greece exhibition, Athens, Greece, 2013